
Today's Fitness Video - Build Bigger Biceps #2 - Close Grip Standing Barbell Curl

Today's fitness video is how to do the "Close Grip Standing Barbell Curl"

Close grip barbell curls is one of the best mass building exercises for your arms. It’s very effective for increasing strength and building rapid growth in both the inner and outer heads of the biceps muscles (bicep brachii).

This video show how to do the Close Grip Standing Barbell Curl properly, using correct form to avoid injuries!

Note this video was part of Build Bigger Biceps Fast page. Today's Fitness Video - Build Bigger Biceps #2

Exercise Instruction

  1. Hold a barbell securely with both hands using an underhand grip (palms up) and position your hands about 4-6 inches apart on the bar.

  2. Stand straight up and keep your back flat with your shoulders back in a firm and stable position.

  3. Slowly curl the bar up to the top position while flexing your biceps at the peak to get a full contraction.

  4. Keep your elbows in a fixed position and tucked in closely to your sides during the movement (do not move your elbows up and down).

  5. Slowly return the weight back down to the starting position and repeat.

Build Bigger Biceps #1   Build Bigger Biceps #3

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Today's Fitness Video - Build Bigger Biceps #1 - Barbell Curl

Today's fitness video is how to do the "Barbell Curl"

This video show how to this exercise properly, using the correct form to avoid injuries!

Note this video was part of Build Bigger Biceps Fast page.

Barbell Curl Instructions

  1. Grasp a barbell or Olympic bar at around shoulder width apart using an underhand grip (palms facing up).
  2. Stand straight up, feet together, back straight, and with your arms fully extended. Tip: You may be more comfortable putting one foot back for stability.
  3. The bar should not be touching your body. If it is, try lowering the weight.
  4. Keeping your eyes facing forwards, elbows tucked in at your sides, and your body completely still, slowly curl the bar up.
  5. Squeeze your biceps hard at the top of the movement, and then slowly lower it back to the starting position.
  6. Repeat for desired reps.

Build Biceps Bigger #2  Build Bigger Biceps #3

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  4. Skinny Girls


Today's Fitness Video - Triceps Pushdown V Bar Attachment

Today's fitness video is how to do the "Triceps Pushdown V Bar Attachment" The muscles targeted with this strength exercise video are the Triceps.

This video show how to this exercise properly, using correct form to avoid injuries!

Triceps Pushdown V Bar Attachment

Step By Step Instructions

Step 1.) Start off standing in front of a cable machine and attaching a v-bar attachment to a high pulley.

2.) Grab onto the v-bar with an overhand (palms facing down) grip, keeping your abs drawn in tightly and back straight as this will be your starting position.

3.) Making sure that you keep your elbows in at your sides and push the bar straight down towards your thighs, until you feel a stretch in your tricep muscle.

4.) Hold this position for a count, isolating the tricep and then return back to the start.

5.) Repeat for as many reps and sets as desired.

Triceps Pushdown V Bar Attachment Tips :

1.) You are able to place one foot in front of the other for a better stance.

The instructions were taken from the Triceps Pushdown V Bar Attachment Fitness Video
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Today's Fitness Video - How To Do The Dumbbell Flyes

How To Do The Dumbbell Flyes

Today's fitness video is how to do the "How To Do The Dumbbell Flyes"

This video show how to this exercise properly, using correct form to avoid injuries!

How To Do The Dumbbell Flyes Video

The main muscles targeted with this female strength exercise video are the Chest and Shoulders.

Lie down on a flat bench with a dumbbell ​in each hand on top of your thighs. The palms of your hand will be facing each other.

By using your thighs to help you get the dumbbells up, clean the dumbbells one arm at a time so that you can hold them in front of you at shoulder width. This will be your starting position.

With a slight bend ​in your elbows in order to prevent stress at the biceps tendon, lower your arms out at both sides in a wide arc until you feel a stretch on your chest. Breathe in as you perform this portion of the movement. Keep in mind that throughout the movement, the arms should remain stationary; the movement should only occur at the shoulder joint.

Return your arms back to the starting position as you breathe out. Make sure to use the same arc of motion used to lower the weights. Hold for a second at the starting position and repeat the movement for the prescribed amount of repetitions.

This is a great execise to help remove the sag in your breast

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Today's Fitness Video - How To Do The Tricep Building Bench Dips

Today's fitness video is how to do the "How To Do The Tricep Building Bench Dips"

This video show how to this exercise properly, using correct form to avoid injuries!

How To: Triceps Bench Dips - YouTube

Bench Dips, also known as chair dips, are often regarded as one of the best exercise for the triceps. This is a medium-intensity exercise that uses your own body weight to strengthen your triceps.

Bench dips are fairly simple to learn and can be done almost anywhere.

The easiest way to perform bench dips is to begin in the most obvious position. While seated on the edge your chair, place both hands by your side right next to your thighs and clasp the edge of the seat. Using your arms, push your butt up off the chair whilst maintaining a firm grip.

With your arms fully extended and your butt off the chair, extend your legs directly in front of you so that your knees are no longer bent. This will be your starting position.

Lower yourself by bending your elbows until your triceps and forearms are perpendicular to each other (90 degrees). Make sure your feet aren’t sliding and let your hips “hang”.

Using your triceps, lift yourself back to the starting position. (See Step 1).

Repeat the above sequence for the desired amount of repetitions. This is a great exercise that you can do at home.

Triceps Building Bench Dips Instructions Via Youtube
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Today's Fitness Video - How To Do The Standing Bent Over Dumbbell Triceps Extension

Today's fitness video is a great strength exercise that you can do at home to build your triceps! The video below will show you how to do the " Standing Bent Over Dumbbell Triceps Extension". Which is also known as the "Standing Kickback".

This video show how to this exercise properly, using correct form to avoid injuries!

To Watch This Video With Sound

Instructions taken from video:

(Step 1) With a dumbbell in each hand and the palms facing your torso, bend your knees slightly and bring your torso forward, by bending at the waist, while keeping the back straight until it is almost parallel to the floor.

(Safety tip) Make sure that you keep the head up.

The upper arms should be close to the torso and parallel to the floor while the forearms are pointing towards the floor as the hands hold the weights.

(Exercise Tip) There should be a 90-degree angle between the forearms and the upper arm.

This will be your starting position.

(Step 2) Keeping the upper arms stationary, use the triceps to lift the weights as you exhale until the forearms are parallel to the floor and the whole arms are extended. Like many other arm exercises, only the forearm moves.

(Step 3) After a second contraction at the top, slowly lower the dumbbells back to their starting position as you inhale.

(Step 4) Repeat the movement for the prescribed amount of repetitions.

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Why Should I Exercise - Simply Put!

Did you ever ask yourself, "Why should I start to exercise or continue to exercise, at all"?

Well, those are great but yet very common questions. To briefly answer this question.

There are a few benefits of exercise and they are far more than just losing weight or achieving that "beach body."

We have listed 12 basic reason to exercise

  1. Exercising properly and regularly will benefit everything from your sleep quality to your energy level, and even your memory.

  2. Working out regularly will boost your happiness levels!

  3. Exercise controls weight.

  4. Exercise can help prevent excess weight gain or help maintain weight loss. When you engage in physical activity, you burn calories. The more intense the activity, the more calories you burn.

  5. Exercise improves your mood. Feeling kinda of "blue" and need an emotional lift? Or a hard day at work or being a parent and need to blow off some steam? Exercising stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more relaxed.

  6. Exercise boosts energy. Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. And when your heart and lung health improve, you have more energy to tackle daily chores.

  7. Exercising regularly will reduce your risk of heart disease naturally!

  8. Will help you to sleep better!

  9. Will give you an energy boost!

  10. Will increase your strength and flexibility.

  11. Speaking of increasing your flexibility, stretching after a workout will help remove lactic acid from your muscles, decreasing soreness and in turn increasing your posture once more.

  12. Will maintain bone density, improve balance and reduce joint pain

Today's fitness video is how to do the "Wide Grip Preacher Curls (variation) "

This video show how to this exercise properly, using correct form to avoid injuries!

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